Though it sounds funny and a little stupid .. God is the most wonderful, incomprehensible, tender, excellent being in the whole world! ... whole universe .. Though there can be arguments for/against each word in the last line, everything I said there is true.
If you pause to think a while, it's so awesome .. it's frightening .. wonder what Arjuna would have seen during the Vishwarupa sandarshanam ..
God is the ultimate abstraction of all sciences, all forms of art, all religions. He is what we look for in every endevour of ours, whether we know it or not.... He is the satisfaction we look for in food, the bliss we want from sleep, the fulfilment we look for in work ... the sense of oneness in sex .. He's the tenderest parent, ever faithful lover, sweetest friends ... He can be to me whatever I want him to be ... yet he is above and beyond all this. He can be the dusky playboy, ever charming his way into peoples lives .. he can be strict taskmaster threatening hellfire if you dont abide by his command; he can be the cool big bro of the little boy crossing the lonely forest ... He is to each of us what we want him to be. He can be the loving mother source of everlating love ...
When I read back what I just wrote, I sound so much like so many books and essays .. Oh is'nt there a better way to express this pain of separation ... this almost adolescent longing ... this crushing desire for just one glimpse of the infinite one, his tender glance, his mischeveous smile, the eternal embrace ... that puts to rest all joys, all fears, all desperations and exhilarations .. the eternal embrace like a sea of calm and peace .. the end; the begining ..
A river that runs it's course, broad and might for a while, a thin diying stream for a while, loosing it's identity, the good and bad, the triumphs and despairs in the mighty eternal arms of the infinite ocean ..
Once you conceptualize you confine and God is not confined .. to anything ..
God is all powerful, but I dont know why this aspect is so stressed upon. Omnipotent, omniscient too because God is the only thing in existance in the whole universe. It's like you knowing all your thoughts .. ofcourse you do. it's like u controlling all your actions .. ofcourse you it is but obvious .. Think more about what you call God or what you think of as God. The moment you extend this definition to all things in existance you are one with God ... Also remember, to get there, love or devotion is important. Dont intellectualize too much, there are too many roadblocks !
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